Fearing the Unknown

*This post was made back in 2017.

“What gives your life purpose?”

Les Brown

I first heard this line maybe a month ago while randomly scrolling through YouTube.

Such a simple line.

So simple that I saved the video and now listen to it once a day.

And so I asked myself, what is my purpose? What do I have to fear?

Memory lane and where it started

During my days at UMass Amherst, I vividly recall asking myself where I wanted to be, what I wanted to accomplish, what were my dreams, and, like so many others, how I would make money (I still think about this).

There were many hard, painful days.

But the one thing I feared more than anything, more than any broken bone or punch to the face I’ve taken, was failing myself.

Giving up, to say it another way.

I remember when I failed an exam.

I remember when I lost my wrestling matches.

I remember not being accepted to my college of choice.

Heck, I remember when I cheated out of my lifting sets!

There’s a silver lining in all of this

But I remember the positive impact from all those experiences as well.

I learned I could deal with adversity, that I could own up and face my fears.

It wasn’t easy, and I’ll never advise that to anyone.

But it’s also why I savor those moments. We all can.

Because we can live to tell about it one day.

A new day to make a difference

With all that said, I continue to ask myself that very same question to this day.

What is my purpose?

What do I have to fear?

I know one thing’s for sure – I’ll keep pushing forward.

We only have this one life.

Live it.